The Food Innovation Center offers education and training assistance to food processors, ranging from the beginner to advanced levels. Together with our partners at the Oregon State University campus and the Oregon Department of Agriculture, we offer programs that provide basic training in food safety, good manufacturing practices (GMPs), and advanced trainings needed to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirements.
You could benefit from Food Safety Training if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
Are you responsible for the safety of your food products?
Do you need to gain knowledge about requirements under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)?
Do you need to write a food safety plan for your business and need training to become a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual?
Do you need to understand the requirements for Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)?
Do you have employees that need additional training in food safety?
Are you considering starting a food business or are you a food entrepreneur getting started and need to learn more about safe food handling and manufacturing or just need a refresher on food safety?
FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Course (PCQI Training)
This 2.5-day course is based on the FDA-recognized curriculum developed by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA). This course will be taught by FSPCA certified Lead Instructors Dr. Jovana Kovacevic and Dr. Joy Waite-Cusic.
The next workshop is scheduled on: 10/15/2024-10/17/2024.
OSU Food Innovation Center | 1207 NW Naito Parkway | Portland, OR
October 15-17, 2024
Day 1 (October 15, 2024) - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Day 2 (October 16, 2024) - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Day 3 (October 17, 2024) - 8:00 AM -12:30 PM
The fee for the training is:
- $700 - Single registration
- $675 - Multiple registrations (two or more from same organization, registered at the same time)
Registration includes the training materials, lunch, refreshments, and a Certificate of Course Attendance issued by AFDO.
Please contact with any questions
Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training
One-day and modified two-day courses are based on the FDA-recognized curriculum developed by the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA). These courses are taught by PSA certified Lead Trainers from Oregon State University and Oregon Department of Agriculture.
Who should attend?
Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety. The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule training requirement.
What to expect at the PSA grower training?
Through seven modules (1-day course) and additional exercise (2-day course) trainers will cover content including:
- Introduction to Produce Safety
- Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training
- Soil Amendments
- Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use
- Agricultural Water (Part I: Production Water; Part II: Postharvest Water)
- Postharvest Handling and Sanitation
- How to Develop a Farm Food Safety Plan
In addition to learning about produce safety best practices, key parts of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements are outlined within each module. There will be time for questions and discussion, so participants should come prepared to share their experiences and produce safety questions.
For the list of upcoming courses in Oregon and to register, visit:
Pathogen Environmental Monitoring Workshop
This hands-on training will introduce you to environmental foodborne pathogens, teach you how to collect swabs, walk you through case studies from the industry, provide guidance on establishing and designing a PEM program, and through small working groups provide you with opportunities to discuss effective controls and corrective action steps.
Who should attend?
Individuals who are in charge of developing and maintaining Pathogen Environmental Monitoring programs in food processing industry, particularly those with food safety, quality assurance or compliance roles. Attendance from speciality crop food industries is especially encouraged.
The next workshop is scheduled on: TBD.
- Sign up here to receive email alerts when the future training dates are scheduled.
Other Workshops Offered On Demand
Pre-PCQI training - FSMA Preventive Controls training for small food processing facilities
This one-day workshop is intended for an audience that may not be familiar with food safety and Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), or ready for the level of training offered through the standardized Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) curriculum for Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals (PCQI).
Through seven modules, participants will gain a basic understanding of food safety principles, preventive controls and requirements under FSMA. Taking this training will provide a strong foundation for those seeking future PCQI, HACCP, and advanced food safety trainings.
Topics that will be covered include:
1. Introduction to FSMA
2. Food safety basics
3. Overview of Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCHF) rule
4. PCHF exemptions
5. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs)
6. Cleaning and sanitation
7. Developing a food safety plan
OSU certificate on completion.
- Sign up here to receive email alerts when training dates are scheduled.
Food Safety Basics (2h session)
- Sign up here to receive email alerts when training dates are scheduled
Introduction to FSMA (2h session)
- Sign up here to receive email alerts when training dates are scheduled.