The Market Research for Market Readiness (MKTRD) Protocol is designed to help entrepreneurial food makers and value-added farmers evaluate the products they are developing for market. This tool is based on consumer testing and will enable you to:
- evaluate the sensory qualities for your product;
- investigate how much consumers will pay;
- get new marketing ideas;
- demonstrate your market readiness to retailers and investors.
Because the MKTRD consumer test will be self-executed it will cost substantially less than professional testing.
MKTRD materials include a manual, an Excel workbook, and several training videos. The manual describes a set of procedures to conduct and report on a consumer test. The consumer test design and analysis and reporting is made easier by use of an Excel® workbook. As you create the survey ballot within the workbook, it automatically sets up a worksheet where you enter the data. Once the data is entered, the workbook produces all of the figures and tables for your own evaluation and that can be incorporated in a sales pitch, business plan, or feasibility study.

You may download the manual to see if this type of information will help you and how the Market Research for Market Readiness Protocol works. You can view or download an example report There are also videos that demonstrate how you create the questionnaire ballot based on your entries in two worksheets of the Excel workbook, and how those same entries set up the DATA entry in another worksheet in the workbook and how the data can be entered most easily.
To get the Excel workbook you will need to fill out a short survey. The survey will ask a few questions about you and how you intend to use the survey. It will request an e-mail address where we can send the Workbook and send you information about updates. It is free of charge for your personal use or by organizations assisting food entrepreneurs and farmers. This will ensure that we can evaluate our program, and that you will receive the latest version of the workbook. Go to Survey
Download the Manual Example Report Excel workbook Survey
Watch the Videos
Click through to each video to watch it.